Nothing is off the scale for our God

Matthew 19:26 – With God all things are possible

I was listening to a podcast this morning, a sermon by Bill Johnson and in it he refers to a moment when a lady was struggling and he prayed for her healing.  Nothing was happening and then he felt prompted to ask if she had unforgiveness in her life.  She said yes and he led her in a prayer of repentance.  Guess what?!  She then received full healing as he prayed for her again.

Nothing is impossible for God, but sometimes we have to contribute. God is not just on tap to answer all our prayers while we continue in disobedience or unforgiveness.  God desires for us all to live the best possible lives, to live in peace, in harmony, in wellness and in love.  What could be holding you back?  Maybe God’s waiting for you to get straight with him before he can pour out all those blessings on you?


How big is your problem on a scale of one to God!? Listen up, nothing’s too hard for God, nothing impossible if you believe, leave the past in the past, forgive those who have caused you hurt, ask him to work in your life to bring you out into his light, for God’s way is the right way, God’s way is the best way, nothing is off the scale for our God, but it’s got to be two way, we can’t just demand or say, we need to pray, to listen close to what God has to say, to turn from our bad ways, to repent of our need to make it “all about me”, to get on our knees and ask forgiveness, to forgive others in order to be a strong witness, to clothe ourselves in God’s righteousness, to bless the Lord and ourselves be blessed, remember the words written for us, nothing is impossible because Jesus himself rose from the dead, claiming victory for all of us who were dead in our sinfulness.


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